Beat Counter helps you keep a history of the cadence of repetitive events. You can use it to track bodily functions like heart rate, respiration rate, running/walking, or other repetitive exercises, or real world things like the rate of people walking past your door, ….
• Large full screen button for counting.
• Automatically calculates the BPM (Beats per Minute).
• Record additional information with each BPM measurement.
• Export collected readings to your computer for further analysis.
• Can count events occurring at up to 200 BPM.
Beat Counter can be used to measure the cadence or rate of anything that you would count in repetitions per minute. I wrote Beat Counter because I needed to monitor the respiration rate of my horse. But it could be used for all sorts of things.
• Monitoring your own, or a friend’s heart rate or respiration rate. Using the extra data fields to record temperature and humidity with each measurement.
• Monitoring a pet’s or any animal’s, heart rate or respiration rate.
• As a Personal Trainer, to keep track of your clients progress at each exercise. Using the extra data fields to record the weight lifted, etc..
• Measuring the cadence of your horse or other animal.
• Workout the beats per minute of a song.